Sunday, July 6, 2014

Credit Cards!!!

Credit cards

For a month now I have travelled without credit cards. It stinks. Every day I could hit myself for being stupid and taking them all out at once. What was I thinking? But the past in the past and you have to deal. It's part of the traveling lifestyle.

First, finding my credit cards. Nervous for weeks that they would not come I felt even more anxious when I was finally in the right city that they should be coming to. A few days earlier I had received an email stating they could not be delivered ad to print a receipt and take it to the nearest post. Problem is the link to print didn't work. A little leery I was hoping it was a scam.

Getting off the bus in Phnom Penh was not the best start to the task either. Nighttime had already approached by the time we reached the city. Now I'm used to getting jostled around by tuk tuks asking for business but this was a first. Not even off the bus and they were crowded around the door all speaking at once. All doing the similar lines of "tuk tuk miss" "where you go" "I know where to take you" and "good price good price!" 

I was thrilled to have Jenny with me. As we got our badge the comments and number of drivers grew. "Ohhhh you two together good price good price!" Used to this thing on a smaller scale I was very blunt with my answers.

"Mad monkey, no I don't want to go to your hostel, no it's not far, and give me a good price."

Immediately they all roar no no no no no that's far, it's full, I know a good place, and blah blah blah.

"No I need to go to mad monkey." -me 

"Ok ok ok four dollar each." -five people at once

"No that's expensive." -me

"Nooooo maaaaaan it's a far f***ing way. That's a good price." -drunk tuk tuk driver

"Why you stay there it's not near anything. Not a good place." -another driver

"Listen you all say the same thing. It's far. It's not good. You just want to make money by taking us to your friends hostel." Me

This comical banter continued and we settled in two dollars.

As we walked to the tuk tuk the horde of drivers still continued however now their comments were just plain rude. Clearly drunk one guy followed singing "I wanna f*** you f*** you everyday!" 

Ick! Not sure how I feel about this place. But no time to think I gotta find my credit cards. We arrive at Mad Monkey and my fi gets are crossed. Please please please be here. I walked up to the desk.

"Do you have mail for..."
Without even finishing my sentence I am handed a FedEx package. What?! No way this is too easy. Excited I jump for joy and sure enough split my toe open of the reception desk. Oh well no time for pain I have credit cards!!!

It's amazing how people help you out in the road. We are all wandering around Southeast Asia doing the same thing. Everyone hits snags so everyone knows what it feels like. It makes it easy to help someone out or for someone to help you. Thank you to the amazing people who have helped. Specially to Aaron for buying me toasties from 7 eleven when I hadn't eaten all day and was still to nervous to ask for help. Thanks to Tasha and Jenny for being my personal ATM. And to the countless people who have just been there to help out like Tim and Mo.

Thank you it is much appreciated and the kindness will be returned to there that I meet. 

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