Friday, July 11, 2014

Siagon part 2

Siagon part 2

The cu chi tunnels. It was worth he visit but once again had to be viewed a certain way. The drive was about 2 hours away. I had been warned by multiple people to say that I am Canadian because they have a reputation for not treating US tourists this well on the tour.

There is an entrance fee of 90,000 don't which your tour guide collects in the bus. While paying the guide made a mistake and gave me the equivalent of 35 dollars too much. After I realized I called him back to the back of the bus to let him know. The look on his face as priceless. He couldn't believe someone would actually give money back. 

As wonderful as Siagon is it has its downfalls. Theft is out of control. Before you else the hostel, elevator, and room you will notice signs that all read about safety. Everyone warns you to not take a single thing with you and to keep all money in your bra. We were warned many times before else ing to hold on to our stuff. This is probably why our guide was so surprised with my honestly. 

As we approach the tunnels the rain starts to pour. It only added to the room and gloom of the tunnels. The atmosphere was bleak as we gathered around listening to the reason why the tunnels were built. Over and over I hear how the United States is the worst. That part aside the construction of the tunnels is pretty cool. They just went with it as they needed to. It started out just farmers building the tunnels and through the years more levels and layers were added.

Throughout the jungle there were entrances created so that they could get in quickly. These consisted on a small hole that westerners could not fit through but e Vietnamese could. The guide showed us one and then I got a chance to jump on in. After we all took a turn getting in we were informed that the tiny hole we just fit in was actually widened for tourist. No way!!!

We continued on to the weirdest part if the tour. The trap section. This part was just plain disgusting and sad. I won't go into detail but it featured the different traps used to catch American soldiers. This is where I state again, doesn't matter who is right or wrong in a war, killing each other and creating nasty devices such as these is horrendous. 

We were showed the ant hills that disguised the air holes for the tunnels. Pretty clever. 

At this point we took a break at a little food stand while some people shot guns. The rain started again. Two tour groups were there and when one departed half of our group went with them. Within ten minutes everyone was separated! Before I knew it only five of us were left and we had lost everyone.

Trekking through the jungle we tried to find the others. One of the girls really wanted to go down in the actual tunnels but was worried since we were all split that we wouldn't have time. Oh well never fear we can do it ourselves. 

Four of us decide to go down a dark entrance at the first hole we see. Is this allowed? Who cares! Lets see these things. 

To be continued..... 

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